Planning proposal request for 203-233 New South Head Road, Edgecliff


On 3 April 2024, a planning proposal request for 203-233 New South Head Road, Edgecliff was lodged (Lot 203 DP 1113922, Lot 5 DP 243380 and Lot 2 DP 553702).

The request for a planning proposal seeks to amend the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014 to:

  • Increase the maximum Height of Buildings standard from part 0m, part 6m and part 26m to part 60m and to part 124m-128m.
  • Increase the maximum Floor Space Ratio (FSR) from 2.5:1 to 9:1.
  • Establish a maximum FSR on the Council-owned road reserve of 3.5:1.
  • Introduce a minimum non-residential FSR of 2:1.

The applicant has provided an indicative development concept for a 37 storey mixed use building comprising commercial, office, retail, community infrastructure, and residential uses which could be facilitated by the proposed amendments.

In December 2020, a previous planning proposal was lodged for the site which sought to facilitate a mixed use development up to 45 storeys. The Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel resolved not to support the proposal and it did not proceed to a Gateway determination. Information on this previous planning proposal may be viewed here.  

Initial Assessment

An initial assessment of the request for a planning proposal will be reported to the Woollahra Local Planning Panel (Woollahra LPP) for their advice.

The initial assessment, with the advice from Woollahra LPP, will be reported to a future meeting of the Environmental Planning Committee, followed by a meeting of Council.

View meeting agendas and minutes.

If Council resolves to support the preparation of a planning proposal, the next step would be to seek Gateway determination. Should Council resolve not to support the planning proposal, a rezoning review request may be lodged by the applicant. 


Planning proposal request and supplementary information

The applicant submitted the following information to support the request for a planning proposal: