Community gardens

Community gardens are a unique form of open space where people can grow organic vegetables and fruits, learn about sustainability and connect with others. Community gardens are not-for-profit, and can provide for a wide range of environmental and social benefits.
Our Community Gardens Policy(PDF, 1MB) provides an outline of how community gardens are established in our area and what you need to know if you'd like to plant on the grass verge in front of where you live.
Community Gardens
There are currently three community gardens within the Woollahra LGA.
Rose Bay Community Garden
Rose Bay Community Garden was established in 2014 and provides a space to create a beautiful garden for the local community, where people can learn, socialise, have fun, and grow organic fruit and vegetables.
The Rose Bay Community Garden is located next to Woollahra Park at the end of Manion Ave, Rose Bay. The site is fenced and includes individual allotments, shelter and a shed.
The site will also be utilised by Council's Sustainability and Waste teams to conduct community workshops, presentations and community tours.
For membership enquires and more information on the Rose Bay Community Garden visit the Rose Bay Community Garden Facebook page.
Paddington Community Garden
Paddington Community Garden at Trumper Park was established in 2008. It is located at the rear of the Palms Tennis Courts, adjacent to the Council Nursery, and access is from Quarry Street. The site is fenced and includes individual garden plots, a shelter, water tanks and seating.
The site is also used by Council’s Sustainability and Waste teams to conduct community workshops, presentations and community tours.
For membership enquires and more information on the Paddington Community Garden visit the Paddington Community Garden website.
Cooper Park Community Garden
The Cooper Park Community Garden was established in 2017 and provides a space to create a beautiful garden for the local community, where people can learn, socialise, have fun, and grow organic fruit and vegetables.
It is located next to Cooper Park Scout Hall on Cooper Park Rd, Bellevue Hill. The site is fenced and includes individual allotments and a shed. The site will also be utilised by Council's Sustainability and Waste teams to conduct community workshops, presentations and community tours.
For membership enquiries and more information on the Cooper Park Community Garden, visit the Cooper Park Community Garden Facebook page or visit their website.
Communal Gardens
A communal garden is an open space, with no locked gates or fences, no individual garden plots, and no formal memberships (however it is generally managed by a committed group of local residents).
Holdsworth Communal Garden
This garden was developed by Woollahra Council to act as a demonstration site for how rainwater can be used to grow and sustain a garden, and to allow the local community to grow and harvest their own local, organic produce.
The garden is located at 64 Holdsworth St, Woollahra (at the rear of the Holdsworth Community Centre) and can also be accessed at the end of Spicer Lane, Woollahra. The gates are unlocked 24/7 and anybody from the community is welcome to have input into, and harvest from the site.
For more information on the Holdsworth Communal Garden visit the Holdsworth Communal Garden Facebook page.
Windsor Street Communal Garden
The Windsor Street Communal Garden is located at the end of the Windsor St Cul-de-sac in Paddington.
A resident group established this space in 2011 and maintains the edible garden for the enjoyment and education of local residents. They wish to encourage community involvement and neighbourly cooperation in further developing the organic garden and distribution of produce. Wander down and take a look!
Verge Gardens
Verge Gardens are garden beds that are established on the nature strip, or road reserve that are managed by an individual, or group of local residents. On 12 December 2011, Council adopted the Community Gardens Policy(PDF, 1MB) with the inclusion of Community Verge Gardens.
Council supports the planting of verge gardens which make a positive contribution to the local streetscape, provided property owners receive consent from Council and maintain the verge outside their property in line with the consent conditions.
To seek consent to establish a verge garden:
- Complete the Verge Garden Installation Application Form(PDF, 243KB) and return it to Council.
- Wait for a written Notice of Determination from Council detailing the application outcome.
- If consent is granted, install and maintain the garden in line with the approval conditions.
Upon submission of this form, Council will:
- Assess the application to ensure the proposed garden meets the criteria for consent.
- Seek additional information or community consultation if required.
- Provide a written Notice of Determination to the applicant advising if the proposed garden has been provided consent and any associated conditions.
If you're thinking about installing a verge garden please consider the following:
- A species list of proposed plants must be submitted with your application
- Avoid plants that will grow to more than 1 m high when mature
- We encourage the use of local native ground covers and small shrubs (available from the Randwick Community Nursery)
- Avoid having stakes, guide wires, irrigation and raised edges such as bricks and fences
- Support from neighbours is required when applying
- The design of the garden must ensure adequate clearance for items such as: existing street trees and structures, access to the road from the footpath, placement of rubbish bins and car doors opening
- Ensure you can commit to maintaining the verge garden over the long term.
The Verge Garden Installation Application Form(PDF, 243KB) has full details of all requirements.
More information
For more information about Community, Communal and Verge Gardens in Woollahra, contact Council’s Environmental Education Officer on 9391 7095.