Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S)

Our policy
Woollahra Council recognises its duty to ensure the health and safety at work of its employees and others.
It is our policy:
- To develop and maintain appropriate standards of work facilities and work methods through consultation between employees and managers, and to seek the guidance of knowledgeable advisers as needed to this end.
- That no work will be regarded as so urgent or important that time cannot be made available to establish safe methods and equipment for it.
- That employees will be provided with the information and instruction necessary to understand the risks associated with our work and their role in working safely with them.
- To consult with employees in the implementation of this policy and in the development of health and safety programs at all levels in the organisation.
High Risk Works & Equipment(PDF, 170KB)
Traffic Management Guide for Field Staff(PDF, 1MB)
WHS Committee Members and Area of Representation(PDF, 105KB)
Managing Physiological Hazards at Work(PDF, 216KB)
Corporate Procedure WHSIM Risk Management(PDF, 714KB)
Injury Management & Return to Work Procedure(PDF, 412KB)
Hazardous Manual Tasks & Ergonomics(PDF, 316KB)
Corporate WHS Procedure Consultation and Communication(PDF, 175KB)
Corporate Policy - Workplace Health and Safety(PDF, 712KB)
Staff Wellbeing Guide(PDF, 2MB)
Corporate Procedure - Critical Incidents(PDF, 271KB)