Integrated Planning and Reporting

IP&R Framework

Council is guided in its organisational planning and reporting by the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework, as prescribed by the NSW Office of Local Government. Each plan is connected, as shown in the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework diagram below.

Office of Local Government diagram for IPR 2021


Our reports

Community Strategic Plan

Woollahra 2032(PDF, 14MB) is our Community Strategic Plan that has been developed by Council in consultation with the Woollahra community. It presents a long term vision for Woollahra and is structured around four (4) broad interrelated Focus Areas; Environmental, Social, Economic and Civic Leadership, each of which is supported by a range of Goals and Strategies. Each of the Goals identified in Woollahra 2032(PDF, 14MB) is reported to the most appropriate standing committee as indicated below:

Environmental Planning Committee

  • Goal 4: Well planned neighbourhoods
  • Goal 7: Protecting our environment
  • Goal 8: Sustainable use of resources
  • Goal 9: Community focussed economic development

Finance, Community and Services Committee

  • Goal 1: A connected, harmonious and engaged community for all ages and abilities
  • Goal 2: A supported, enabled and resilient community
  • Goal 3: A creative and vibrant community
  • Goal 5: Liveable places
  • Goal 6: Getting around
  • Goal 10: Working together
  • Goal 11: A well managed Council

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

Our Delivery Program(PDF, 51MB) identifies a number of Priorities and our Operational Plan(PDF, 21MB)  a number of Actions in response to the Focus Areas, Goals and Strategies identified in Woollahra 2032, to relay Council’s commitment to the community over the elected term of Council (usually 4 years) and was updated in accordance with the legislative requirements following the Local Government Elections held in December 2021.

The Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework requires Council to develop a Delivery Program for the duration of the elected Council's term and a separate 1 year Operational Plan. To ensure greater transparency and promote good governance Council monitors and reviews the progress of our Delivery Program on on a biannual basis.

Resourcing Strategy

Our Resourcing Strategy comprises Council's Asset Management Strategy(PDF, 9MB), Long Term Financial Plan(PDF, 6MB) and Workforce Management Strategy(PDF, 9MB).

Annual Report

Our Annual Report provides a year in review and is prepared within five months of the end of the each financial year in accordance with the requirements of the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993.

Your Say Woollahra is one of the ways Council involves the community in our decision making processes and provides updates on those decisions and plans. We invite you to join our online community engagement platform Your Say Woollahra.