Procurement opportunities

See below for information on how to participate in procurement processes and access training opportunities for procurement.
Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils
The Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) is an association of 12 councils spanning Sydney’s southern, eastern, central and inner west suburbs and covers a third of the Greater Sydney’s population.
SSROC with its member councils delivers procurement and contract management support to numerous strategic and complex regional projects in waste recovery, renewable energy, street lighting, planning and development, road construction and maintenance to name a few. Find out more about current opportunities and relevant information on the SSROC website.
NSW Government
NSW Procurement and Digital NSW are on a journey to transform procurement in NSW to a simplified and seamless experience. If you are interested in their procurement and becoming a supplier, please visit The NSW government website.
Training for Tenders
NSW Government provides a wide range of professional development, training and tools for buyers and suppliers. Visit the NSW Government website to gain access to that invaluable information to make a first step to becoming a government supplier!