Water restrictions

Restrictions eased - Water Wise Guidelines apply
The NSW Government has announced that Water Wise Guidelines have replaced Level 1 water restrictions and apply to everyone in Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra from 1 December 2020. This includes all residents and businesses.
The restrictions have eased, but let’s stay water wise.
Water Wise Guidelines - summary
Under the guidelines, you can use drinking water to:
- water lawns and gardens before 10am and after 4pm using a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, sprinklers or standard watering systems
- water new turf and gardens at any time for up to 28 days
- water lawns and gardens with drip irrigation systems or 'smart water system' at any time
- top up pools and spas to replace water lost through evaporation
- fill new or renovated pools and spas
- wash vehicles with a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle or high pressure cleaning equipment
- clean buildings (including windows, walls and gutters) with a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle or high pressure cleaning equipment
- cool people and animals.
You can't:
- allow water to run off onto hard surfaces
- leave taps and hoses running unattended
- allow pools or spas to overflow when being filled.
More details: Water Wise Guidelines
Water saving tips
Water is a precious resource, so we shouldn’t waste it. There are many simple things you can do around your home and garden every day to use water efficiently. Tips to save water
Sydney Water has advice on services to fix leaks and install water efficient devices