Library Volunteering
The Woollahra Libraries Volunteer Program fosters wellbeing, diversity, inclusion, and community connectedness. Library volunteers assist and support a wide range of events and programs, library services, tech help sessions, local history projects, and more!
View the Position Description Booklet(PDF, 168KB) to see what opportunities are currently available.
If you love libraries, learning new things, and meeting new people, or simply wish to give back to the community, then we’d like to hear from you.
To register your interest, please complete and return the Application Form(PDF, 238KB).
Volunteer Journey
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Skills and Career Development
Woollahra Libraries is also a great place to explore career options. If you are a student who would like to gain exposure to work in public libraries, please contact to discuss placement options.
We also offer students completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award opportunities to carry out their voluntary service at our libraries.
For more information please read our Volunteer Policy(PDF, 694KB) or contact the Library Volunteer Coordinator on 9391 7938.
Volunteering opportunities also exist at Woollahra Council and in our local area.