Register of Annual Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests
Register of Annual Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and Other Matters Returns
Under Council’s Code of Conduct(PDF, 1MB) Councillors and designated staff must submit a disclosure of Pecuniary Interests Return each year.
The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2009 and Information Privacy Commissioner Guidelines, states that information in the Returns is open access but subject to the public interest test.
Council has determined that there was an overriding public interest against disclosure of certain personal information contained in the Returns published online and specific information has been redacted to exclude signatures, personal addresses, personal information and to protect the interests of Councillors and Senior Staff.
2022-2023 Annual Returns
Councillor Returns
- The Mayor, Councillor Susan Wynne - 2022-2023(PDF, 31MB)
- The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Isabelle Shapiro - 2022-2023(PDF, 24MB)
- Councillor Sean Carmichael - 2022-2023(PDF, 24MB)
- Councillor Peter Cavanagh - 2022-2023(PDF, 22MB)
- Councillor Luise Elsing - 2022-2023(PDF, 27MB)
- Councillor Nicola Grieve - 2022-2023(PDF, 21MB)
- Councillor Mary-Lou Jarvis 2022-2023(PDF, 24MB)
- Councillor Harriet Price - 2022-2023(PDF, 7MB)
- Councillor Lucinda Regan - 2022-2023(PDF, 23MB)
- Councillor Matthew Robertson - 2022-2023(PDF, 22MB)
- Councillor Richard Shields - 2022-2023(PDF, 35MB)
- Counicllor Mark Silcocks - 2022-2023 (PDF, 24MB)
- Councillor Sarah Swan - 2022-2023(PDF, 5MB)
- Councillor Merrill Witt - 2022-2023(PDF, 7MB)
- Councillor Toni Zeltzer - 2022-2023(PDF, 7MB)
Senior Staff Returns
- General Manager, Mr Craig Swift-McNair - 2022-2023 (PDF, 23MB)
- Director Community and Customer Experience, Ms Patricia Occelli - 2022-2023(PDF, 23MB)
- Director Corporate and Performance, Ms Sue Meekin - 2022-2023 (PDF, 20MB)
- Director Infrastructure and Sustainability, Mr Tom O'Hanlon - 2022-2023(PDF, 24MB)
- Director Planning and Place, Mr Scott Pedder - 2023-2023(PDF, 23MB)
2021-2022 Annual Returns
Councillor Returns
- The Mayor, Councillor Susan Wynne - 2021-2022(PDF, 3MB)
- The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Isabelle Shapiro - 2021-2022(PDF, 24MB)
- Councillor Sean Carmichael - 2021-2022(PDF, 24MB)
- Councillor Peter Cavanagh - 2021-2022(PDF, 26MB)
- Councillor Luise Elsing - 2021-2022(PDF, 7MB)
- Councillor Nicola Grieve - 2021-2022(PDF, 35MB)
- Councillor May-Lou Jarvis - 2021-2022(PDF, 31MB)
- Councillor Harriet Price - 2021-2022(PDF, 271KB)
- Councillor Lucinda Regan - 2021-2022(PDF, 25MB)
- Councillor Matthew Robertson - 2021-2022(PDF, 1MB)
- Councillor Richard Shields - 2021-2022(PDF, 20MB)
- Councillor Mark Silcocks - 2021-2022(PDF, 346KB)
- Councillor Sarah Swan - 2021-2022(PDF, 15MB)
- Councillor Merrill Witt - 2021-2022(PDF, 16MB)
- Councillor Toni Zeltzer - 2021-2022(PDF, 11MB)
Senior Staff Returns
- General Manager, Mr Craig Swift-McNair - 2021-2022(PDF, 7MB)
- Director Community and Customer Experience, Ms Patricia Occelli - 2021-2022(PDF, 10MB)
- Director Corporate Performance, Ms Sue Meekin - 2021-2022(PDF, 6MB)
- Director Infrastrucute and Sustainability, Mr Tom O'Hanlon - 2021-2022(PDF, 15MB)
- Director Planning and Place, Mr Scott Pedder - 2021-2022(PDF, 7MB)
2020-2021 Annual Returns
Councillor Returns
- The Mayor, Councillor Susan Wynne - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Richard Shields - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Claudia Cullen - 2020-2021(PDF, 10MB)
- Councillor Peter Cavanagh - 2020-2021(PDF, 8MB)
- Councillor Luise Elsing - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Mary-Lou Jarvis - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Anthony Marano - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Nick Maxwell - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Megan McEwin - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Harriet Price - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Lucinda Regan - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Matthew Robertson - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Isabelle Shapiro - 2020-2021(PDF, 2MB)
- Councillor Mark Silcocks - 2020-2021(PDF, 2MB)
- Councillor Toni Zeltzer - 2020-2021(PDF, 2MB)
Senior Staff Returns
- General Manager, Mr Craig Swift-McNair - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Director Community and Customer Experience, Ms Patricia Occelli - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Director Corporate Performance, Ms Sue Meekin - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Director Infrastructure and Sustainability, Mr Tom O'Hanlon - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
- Director Planning and Place, Mr Scott Pedder - 2020-2021(PDF, 3MB)
2019-2020 Annual Returns
Councillor Returns
- The Mayor, Councillor Susan Wynne - 2019-2020(PDF, 731KB)
- The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Richard Shields - 2019-2020(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Claudia Cullen - 2019-2020(PDF, 759KB)
- Councillor Peter Cavanagh - 2019-2020(PDF, 639KB)
- Councillor Luise Elsing - 2019-2020(PDF, 611KB)
- Councillor Mary-Lou Jarvis - 2019-2020(PDF, 3MB)
- Councillor Anthony Marano - 2019-2020(PDF, 1010KB)
- Councillor Nick Maxwell - 2019-2020(PDF, 953KB)
- Councillor Megan McEwin - 2019-2020(PDF, 2MB)
- Councillor Harriet Price - 2019-2020(PDF, 1MB)
- Councillor Lucinda Regan - 2019-2020(PDF, 706KB)
- Councillor Matthew Robertson - 2019-2020(PDF, 2MB)
- Councillor Isabelle Shapiro - 2019-2020(PDF, 671KB)
- Councillor Mark Silcocks - 2019-2020(PDF, 567KB)
- Councillor Toni Zeltzer - 2019-2020(PDF, 980KB)
Senior Staff Returns
- General Manager, Mr Craig Swift-McNair - 2019-2020(PDF, 680KB)
- Acting Director Planning and Place, Mr Nick Economou - 2019-2020(PDF, 618KB)
- Acting Director Corporate Performance, Ms Sue Meekin - 2019-2020(PDF, 3MB)
- Acting Director Community and Customer Experience, Ms Vicki Munro - 2019-2020(PDF, 3MB)
- Director Infrastructure and Sustainability, Mr Tom O’Hanlon - 2019-2020(PDF, 2MB)