Building or renovating? Find out if you need approval for your project and gather the right information to obtain your development consent. Search for DAs and get the latest Development Application notifications.
See all the development applications (DAs) that have been submitted to Council and their current status or determination through our online tracking system.
Find out if your development is considered Exempt or Complying or if you need to submit a DA.
All you need to know about preparing and submitting your Development Applications (DA).
More about the process that happens once your development application is lodged.
Development application notifications are published on our website and the owners of properties, which may be impacted by a development application, will be notified by letter.
Find a list of development applications that have been approved and refused. The reasons for decision and how community views were taken into account in making the decision is contained in the relevant Notice of Determination, accessible from our DA Tracking service.
If you are concerned that the amenity of your property will be adversely affected by a development proposal, you may make a submission by way of objection. Find out how you can object or comment on a DA.