Works Zones (Construction Zones)

Works Zone (formerly Construction Zone)

Works Zones are provided to facilitate the efficient operation of construction projects and to minimise traffic disruption. In assessing application for Works Zones, Council considers each project on an individual basis with the dimensions and location of a Works Zone being evaluated so as to facilitate construction but at the same time minimise the loss of public on-street parking during the works.

Works Zones are provided in accordance with the provisions of the NSW Road Rules (Rule 181) and the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)(Road Rules) Regulation 1999 (Clause 19) and permit a driver to stop in a Works Zone if:

  • the driver is driving a vehicle that is actively engaged in construction work in or near the Works Zone; or,
  • a person is actually entering or alighting from the vehicle.

An application for a Works Zone is considered by Council in consultation with the RMS and Police. This process will generally take four to six weeks. Works Zone charges are calculated on a per metre per week basis. The fee is based on the type of public on-street parking which is being affected by the Works Zone: residential or non-residential area, metered or un-metered parking.

Details for the provision of a Works Zone, the applicable Fees and Charges, and required documentation are stated on the Works Zone Application.(PDF, 264KB)

Please contact Council's Traffic Engineer via Customer Service on 9391 7000 to discuss details of an application.