
Submitting an application for filming

If you wish to film or conduct filming related activities on Council managed public open space, footpaths or roads, you need to seek prior Council approval.

Information required when applying to film:

  • a description of the proposal
  • a drawing of the proposed location of shooting and parking for essential vehicles
  • a copy of your public liability insurance
  • a copy of the notification letter. The notification should include information such as:
    • contact details
    • description of photography shoot
    • proposed location
    • commencement and completion dates and times
    • number of productions persons
    • potential parking arrangements

Types of applications & fees

1. Newscrew Style and Ultra-Low Impact Film Shoots = $0

This application is for ultra-low impact film shoots that consist of minor filming activities. These include:

  • less than 10 cast & crew (in total)
  • no parking requirements or traffic control. All unit and crew vehicles are to be parked legally.
  • no unit base
  • one location
  • hand held camera and 1 tripod
  • limited portable hand held equipment
  • public safety is to be maintained at all times during the filming activities
  • no disruption is caused to Woollahra Council's stakeholders, retailers, motorists or other events and activities.

Applicants will need to submit their application at least 3 workings days prior to filming, otherwise there may be insufficient time to process the application. This type of application is free of charge.

Use the online filming application form (ultra-low impact) to obtain a permit.

2. Filming: Low, Medium and High Impact Film Shoots and Traffic Control

This application is for low, medium and high impact shoots on public land and/or shoots which require approval of:

  • drones
  • parking plans
  • traffic control
  • unit bases
  • multiple locations
  • filming equipment: portable lighting, dolly, cranes, jibs, multiple cameras and tripods

The Filming permit application form(PDF, 272KB) must be completed and submitted to the Recreational Bookings Coordinator (contact details at bottom of page).

Applicants will need to submit their complete application at least 7 workings days prior to filming, otherwise there may be insufficient time to process the application.

Application Fee: Low Impact = $150.00 (Non refundable)

Consideration based on:

  • 11 – 25 crew
  • No more than 4 trucks / vans
  • No construction
  • Minimal equipment / lighting
  • Small or no unit base required
  • 1 – 2 locations

Application Fee: Medium Impact = $300.00 (Non refundable)

Consideration based on:

  • 26 – 50 crew
  • No more than 10 trucks / vans
  • Some construction
  • Equipment used eg. dolly, cranes, jibs etc.
  • Unit base required
  • No more than 4 locations
  • drones or RPA's

Application Fee: High Impact = $500.00 (Non refundable)

Consideration based on:

  • 50 crew
  • > 10 trucks / vans
  • Significant construction
  • Extensive Equipment
  • Large unit base required
  • > 4 locations

3. Film Road Event Application = $150.00 (Non refundable)

This application is for approval of parking plans or a unit base for film shoots on private property or in areas not controlled by Council. All filming on private land must comply with SEPP 4.

The Filming permit application form(PDF, 272KB) must be completed and submitted to the Recreational Bookings Coordinator (contact details at bottom of page).

Applicants will need to submit their complete application at least 7 workings days prior to filming, otherwise there may be insufficient time to process the application.

Parking and Traffic Control

Film shoots that require a unit base, essential vehicle and/or crew parking are required to submit for approval a parking plan or mud map with the application. We assess all applications in accordance with the RTA Filming Projects - Guidelines for parking and road closures.(PDF, 333KB)

Applicants will need to submit their parking and traffic control plans with their filming application form at least 7 workings days prior to filming, otherwise there may be insufficient time to process the application.

Please be mindful that Woollahra is a high density area and parking is limited. Upon assessment of parking plans, we may ask you to revise the number and location of unit and crew vehicles.

Where filming is proposed in a residential area we may be able to provide alternative locations for catering and/or parking of essential and non-essential vehicles.

Where filming activities require the use of a public road and alterations to traffic flow (such as stop/go traffic control) and/or parking, a Traffic Management Plan prepared by an accredited RMS traffic consultant will be required to be submitted in support of an application.

Where public pedestrian movements are proposed to be altered, a pedestrian management plan may also be required to be submitted in support of an application.

Application Fee: Traffic Control Assessment: Low = $100.00

Consideration based on:

  • Stop/go traffic control on local or Council-managed road
  • Police consultation

Application Fee: Traffic Control Assessment: Medium = $300.00

Consideration based on:

  • Stop/go traffic control on a multi-lane or state road
  • Police and RMS consultation

Bonds may also be applied to the film shoot depending on the potential impact/damage to Council managed land and infrastructure. Council staff will inspect the site at the end of the shoot and shall refund the bond if no damage has occurred

Filming on private land or other areas not managed by Council

You may also need to apply to other managing authorities to film in jurisdictions that are not under the management of Woollahra Council. Areas not controlled by Council include: Milk Beach, Neilson Park, Shark Beach, Hornby Lighthouse, Macquarie Lighthouse, Cliff Street Carpark (Watsons Bay), Gap Bluff.

Filming on private property

All filming on private land must comply with legislation (SEPP 4), which includes:

  • notifying Council of filming activities with at least 5 working days prior notice
  • notifying residents in writing within a 50m radius of the filming location, with at least 5 working days prior notice

Note: In accordance with SEPP 4, filming must not be carried out for more than 30 days within a 12 month period at one particular location

Drones and remotely operated piloted aircraft (RPA)

All commercial drone/remotely operated piloted aircraft (RPA) use, regardless of size or type, requires Woollahra Municipal Council approval to take-off or land on public land. Please register with CASA online

Permits will not be issued to unlicensed operators even if you are proposing to use a drone which is under 2kg.

For all commercial RPA use, the following documentation must be submitted for all applications:

  • UAV Controller Licenses for all proposed operators
  • UAV Operator’s Certificate issued by CASA
  • Certificate of Currency of UAV Liability Insurance
  • Detailed aircraft operations plan outlining:
    • Take-off and landing zones
    • Proposed flight path
    • Proposed exclusion zones
    • Location of spotters

Please check the Drone Web APP to see where you can and can’t operate a drone/RPA

Commercial operators of a drone/RPA are required to follow the standard operating conditions for commercial use of drones/RPA in public spaces:

  • You must adhere to Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Standard Operating Conditions.
    • You must only fly during the day, not at night.
    • You must only fly by visual line of sight (VLOS)—close enough to see, maintain orientation and achieve accurate flight and tracking.
      • This means being able to see the aircraft with your own eyes (rather than through first-person-view (FPV)) at all times.
    • You must fly no higher than 120 metres (400 feet) above ground level.
      • Referenced to a point on the ground immediately below the RPA at any time during the flight.
    • You must keep your RPA at least 30 metres away from other people i.e. any person who is not charged with duties essential to the safe operation of a remotely piloted aircraft.
    • To maintain public safety, a 30m “exclusion zone” must be identified and delineated with signage and bollards and tape.
    • You must not fly in a prohibited area or in a restricted area without the permission of the responsible authority.
    • You must not fly over populous areas, such as beaches, parks, sporting ovals and shopping precincts.
    • You must not fly your RPA over any area where, in the event of a loss of control or failure, you create an unreasonable hazard to the safety of people and property on the ground (populous area).
    • You must keep your RPA at least 5.5km away from controlled aerodromes - one with an operating control tower.
    • You must not fly your RPA over or near an area affecting public safety or where emergency operations are underway (without prior approval).
      • This could include situations such as a traffic accident, police operations, a fire and associated firefighting efforts, and search and rescue.
    • You must only fly one RPA at a time.
  • You must adhere to Woollahra Council’s Conditions for Operating a drone/RPA
    • You must not operate your RPA over Gap Park due to CCTV safety operations.
    • You must be CASA certified to operate a drone/RPA for a commercial purpose in Woollahra Council.

Recreational Bookings Coordinator
Telephone: 9391 7077