Leasing and licensing of Council controlled land

Council has a Policy for Leasing and Licensing Council Controlled Land(PDF, 628KB) to ensure that, when considering the leasing or licensing of Council-controlled land-based assets, including Crown Land, it explores possible options for the use of the land, applies processes that are demonstrably equitable, consistent and transparent, complies with appropriate legislative requirements and obtains best value results for the Woollahra community.

Persons wanting to lease or licence Council land must first complete and lodge an Application to occupy Council roadway.(PDF, 189KB) The application will be assessed in accordance with the following principles, and referred to Council meeting for final determination.


All leasing or licensing of Council-controlled land assets, including Crown Land, will:

  • be consistent with Council's economic, social and environmental objectives,
  • be undertaken in compliance with legislative and other obligations,
  • occur only after consultation with all affected stakeholders and relevant sections of the community taking into account all relevant comments and representations,
  • be undertaken with the intention of securing an optimum mix of financial and other benefits for the community,
  • be through a fair and open process and include regular market testing
  • be in accordance with ICAC guidelines
  • be open to public scrutiny while maintaining appropriate levels of commercial confidentiality, and
  • be conducted in accordance with the Council's procedures.

Relevant legislation