Pay online

Did you know? You can add funds to your 'tap and go' library card to pay for the following:

  • printing, photocopying or scanning
  • fees and charges (e.g. for overdue items, reservations and inter-library loans)
  • room bookings
  • library services (e.g. local history research)
  • purchases (e.g. library bags, USB sticks)

How to pay online:

Step 1.Visit our online payments system

Step 2.Login using your library card number and password (your date of birth ddmmyy)

Step 3.If you have an outstanding fine, it will appear under the 'To Pay' heading.

Step 4.You can either 'Add Value' to top up your card, OR 'Pay a Fine' (if you have one)

Other features of the online payments system include:

  • Check your balance and any outstanding fines at anytime
  • Manage notifications about the balance of your account using the 'Options' button
  • View and print statements of your payments