Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S)

Customer Service Max and Judy staff in background

Our policy

Woollahra Council recognises its duty to ensure the health and safety at work of its employees and others.

It is our policy:

  1. To develop and maintain appropriate standards of work facilities and work methods through consultation between employees and managers, and to seek the guidance of knowledgeable advisers as needed to this end.
  2. That no work will be regarded as so urgent or important that time cannot be made available to establish safe methods and equipment for it.
  3. That employees will be provided with the information and instruction necessary to understand the risks associated with our work and their role in working safely with them.
  4. To consult with employees in the implementation of this policy and in the development of health and safety programs at all levels in the organisation.

High Risk Works & Equipment(PDF, 170KB)

Traffic Management Guide for Field Staff(PDF, 1MB)

WHS Committee Members and Area of Representation(PDF, 105KB)

Managing Physiological Hazards at Work(PDF, 216KB)

Corporate Procedure WHSIM Risk Management(PDF, 714KB)

Injury Management & Return to Work Procedure(PDF, 412KB)

Hazardous Manual Tasks & Ergonomics(PDF, 316KB)

Corporate WHS Procedure Consultation and Communication(PDF, 175KB)

Corporate Policy - Workplace Health and Safety(PDF, 712KB)

Staff Wellbeing Guide(PDF, 2MB)

Corporate Procedure - Critical Incidents(PDF, 271KB)