Construction Management Plan (CMP)

Objective of Plan

The objective of a Construction Management Plan (CMP) is to plan works so as to minimise the impacts of construction activities on:

  • Neighbours
  • Nearby residents
  • Users of public footpaths and roads
  • Parking in the vicinity of the site
  • Surrounding streets used to access the site

Content of Plan

A CMP is a self-contained document that outlines the nature of the construction project in terms of what work will be carried out at each stage, vehicles that will be used, numbers of vehicles accessing the site, sizes and types of vehicles that will be used and routes that will be taken. It will need to include plans that show the recommended routes for vehicles travelling to and from the site as well as access to the site and locations of proposed Works Zones.

A CMP must be distributed to drivers of construction vehicles that need to access the work site and it must provide them with the information that they require in relation to access routes, areas for delivery, access points to the site, parking etc.

A CMP must make provision for all materials, plant, etc. to be stored within the development site at all times during construction.

A CMP (once approved) defines the way that the construction work will be carried out. It may not be revised once approved.

Please note that the process for approval of a CMP can take up to 8 weeks.

Plan Checklist

To minimise delays in the approval process, please ensure that your submitted CMP addresses the following:

  1. Detail the scope of the works to be completed including details of the various stages, e.g. Demolition, Excavation, Construction etc. and the duration of each stage.
  2. Identify local traffic routes to be used by construction vehicles.
  3. Identify ways to manage construction works to address impacts on local traffic routes.
  4. Detail how construction workers will travel to and from the site and parking arrangements for those that drive.
  5. Identify any proposed road closures, temporary traffic routes, loss of pedestrian or cyclist access or reversing manoeuvres onto a public road and provide Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) prepared by an accredited RMS Red or Orange card holder to manage these temporary changes.
  6. Detail the size (including dimensions), numbers and frequency of arrival of the construction vehicles that will service the site for each stage of works.
  7. Provide for the standing of vehicles during construction.
  8. If trucks are to be accommodated on the site, provide a scaled drawing showing where the construction vehicles will stand and the vehicle swept path to show that these vehicles can access and egress the site in a forward direction (including dimensions and all adjacent traffic control devices, such as parking restrictions, pedestrian facilities, kerb extensions, etc.).
  9. If trucks are to be accommodated on Council property, provide a scaled drawing showing the location of any proposed Works Zone (including dimensions and all adjacent traffic control devices, such as parking restrictions, pedestrian facilities, kerb extensions, etc.).
  10. Show the location of any site sheds and any anticipated use of cranes and concrete pumps and identify the relevant permits that will be required.
  11. If a crane/s are to be accommodated on site, detail how the crane/s will be erected and removed, including the location, number and size of vehicles involved in the erection/removal of the crane/s, the duration of the operation and the proposed day and times, any full or partial road closures required to erect or remove the crane/s and appropriate Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) prepared by an approved RMS Red or Orange Card holder.
  12. Make provision for all materials, plant, etc. to be stored within the development site at all times during construction.
  13. State that any oversized vehicles proposed to operate on Council property (including Council approved Works Zones) will attain a Permit to Stand Plant on each occasion. (Note: Oversize vehicles are vehicles longer than 7.5m or heavier than 4.5T).
  14. Show the location of any proposed excavation and estimated volumes.
  15. When excavation works are to be undertaken on school days, all vehicular movements associated with this work shall only be undertaken between the hours of 9.30am and 2.30pm, in order to minimise disruption to the traffic network during school pick up and drop off times.
  16. Show the location of all Tree Protection (Exclusion) zones (Note: storage of building materials or access through Reserve will not be permitted without prior approval by Council).

Other approvals required

The following structures and works associated with a development require a separate approval:

  • Hoardings
  • Scaffolding
  • Shoring or excavation
  • Standing of cranes and concrete pumps
  • Work Zones
  • Storage, access through Public Reserve

If these approvals have not been obtained submit the application for each in conjunction with the submission of the CMP.

Work must not commence until the CMP is approved. Failure to comply with this condition may result in fines and proceedings to stop work.