Local history fast facts - M
MACQUARIE LIGHT - Old South Head Road, Vaucluse. The original lighthouse was built over 1816-18 under the supervision of Francis Greenway who was responsible to Captain John Gill, Acting Principal Engineer to the Colony at the time - responsibility for the design can be attributed to both. It was replaced in 1883 by the present structure (designed by BARNET) built a little to the west. Electric power for the light was generated by two dynamos driven by 'towns gas' engines up to 1912, then replaced by incandescent kerosene gas apparatus until 1933 when the light was connected to the city electricity mains but with diesel powered stand-by. The original structure was to the east and often referred to as the 'Macquarie Tower'. More information on Macquarie Light(PDF, 134KB)

Macquarie Lighthouse, 1979. Woollahra Libraries Digital Archive, Eric Russell, pf005175.
McGLYNN GRANT - Granted on 8 March, 1831 for 40 acres of land to Frands McGlynn in Vaucluse on which Vaucluse House stands. McGlynn was an Irish convict freed and pardoned who was thrust into history as an instrument in allowing William Charles Wentworth to effectively move into Vaucluse leading to the establishing and development of the grand estate that it eventually became.
McKELL PARK - On the tip of Darling Point, opened 17 February, 1985 joint development by N.S.W. Government and Woollahra Municipal Council. see Canonbury. More information on McKell Park
MANION AVENUE, Rose Bay - originally known as "Loombah Street" but Name was changed in honour of Alderman Keith Denis Manion who was Mayor of Woollahra in 1936.
MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION - Laings Point, Camp Cove. Built in 1881 by architect John Kirkpatrick Baron Nicolai de Miklouho-Maclay, a leading scientist and humanitarian who had done pioneering work in New Guinea. The station was resumed by the Army in 1886. He married a daughter of Sir John Robertson, left Australia in 1887 and died back in Russia a year later.
MAROO - An aboriginal name given to a foot track approximating present day New South Head Road and used by men stationed at the Lookout Post at South Head when visiting Sydney Cove.
MASONIC MEETING - held on 2 November, 1816 coinciding with the laying of a foundation stone for Captain John Piper's Henrietta Villa.
MAYORS OF WOOLLAHRA - see full listing of former Mayors of Woollahra
MERIOOLA - Demolished house, Edgecliff Rd, Woollahra. It stood on the south side of present day Rosemont Ave, built in 1859 by Mr John Edye Manning, purchased by Mr Adhur Allen, popularly known as the 'prince of entertainers'.
For more information please see the Woollahra Libraries Digital Archive.
MIDHURST - demolished house. The house, built in 1869 for Mr Francis Giles on the site bounded by Nelson, Queen Streets and Edgecliff Road, stood until 1922 - replaced by seven unit blocks six of which are in Art Deco style. John de Villers Lamb lived there in the 1870's, one of the last residents appearing to be His Highness the Rajah of Pudukota.
MIKLOUHO-MACLAY, NICOLAI - The Russian born scientist established the Marine Biological Station on Green Point in 1881 where he lived and worked for a time. It was resumed by the Army in 1886.
For more information please see the Woollahra Libraries Digital Archive.
MIMIHAU - 93 Wolseley Road, Point Piper. Built for Professor W.S. Haswell, Professor of Biology 1890 to 1914 and Zoology 1915 to 1917 at the Sydney University. It was later owned by Mr C.H Koster who purchased much of the fittings and stone from Woollahra House, when demolished in 1929, for inclusion in Mimihau.
MONA - 38 Mona Road, Darling Point. Stands on the original 'Dunlop Grant' sold to Thomas Ware Smart in 1841 who built the house designed by John Bibb and Mona Terraces down the road a bit. The entrance drive to Mona was on the line of present day Mona Road from Darling Point Road.
For more information please see the Woollahra Libraries Digital Archive.
MONASH HUT - Around 1948, a timber framed hut, built during WWII as a Services Canteen and located in Hyde Park, was acquired by the Kent Memorial Club and placed on site in Rose Bay to augment the old Kent Hall and to its NW. It kept the name Monash Hut which it carried when located in Hyde Park but was demolished when the present RSL Club facilities were put up in 1959.
For more information please see the Woollahra Libraries Digital Archive.
MONCUR STREET UNITING CHURCH - 109A Jersey Road, Woollahra. Victorian Gothic Congregational Church built in 1877 (BACKHOUSE), major benefactor was James Reading Fairfax. It ceased being used as a church in the 1980s and was fire-gutted in January, 1989.
MORTS COTTAGE - 38 Ocean Avenue, Double Bay. Victorian Rustic Gothic style cottage built c.1839 for Samuel Peek and eventually purchased by Thomas Mort in 1848.
MOUNT ADELAIDE - Darling Point. The name was originally given by William MacDonald who acquired the 13 3/4 acre 'grant' in 1833. A cottage Derby Lodge was built, around 1843, on this the highest point in Darling Point by John Mortimer Lewis, Colonial Architect at the time, bought by John Croft in 1856 who reverted the name back to Mount Adelaide. Henry Mort bought and enlarged it adding a second story (BLACKET), later used by Ascham School then sold to Sir Samuel Hordern who demolished it building Babworth House on the site.
For more information please see the Woollahra Libraries Digital Archive.
MOUNT TREFLE - Nielsen Park. A sandstone residual, highest point in the park (47.7 m.) was named after The Hon. J. L. Trefle, Secretary (Minister) for Lands (1912-15).
MURRAY ROSE POOL - Double Bay. Previously known as Redleaf Pool, renamed the Murray Rose Pool in honour of champion Australian swimmer and local resident Murray Rose in July 1912. See Redleaf Pool for more history.
For more information please see the Woollahra Libraries Digital Archive.
MYALL AVENUE, Vaucluse - formed as part of the Dykes subdivision of 1933/34. The named was approved by Vaucluse Council on 5.11.1934 as an example of Aboriginal nomenclature.