27.10.1858 |
Municipalities Act 1858
Assent by the Governor to the Municipalities Act, 1858. Act 22 Vic. No.XIII of 1858. An Act for establishing Municipal Institutions. (27th October 1858). |
Public General Statutes of New South Wales. |
28.09.1859 |
Paddington – Petition for a Municipality
Colonial Secretary’s Office
Sydney, 27th September, 1859.
His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, in accordance with the Municipalities Act of 1858, directs the publication of the substance and prayer of a Petition addressed to his Excellency and signed by 172 residents, householders and freeholders for the erection of their locality into a Municipality. The petitioners proposed the boundaries of the Municipality.
Signatures attached. |
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette,28th September, 1859, pp. 2145-2146.
26.10.1859 |
Darling Point, Upper Paddington and Watsons Bay – Petition for a Municipality
Colonial Secretary’s Office
Sydney, 24th October, 1859.
His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, in accordance with the Municipalities Act of 1858, directs the publication of the substance and prayer of a Petition addressed to his Excellency and signed by 144 resident householders and freeholders praying for the erection of their locality into a Municipality, to be named “Woollahra”. The Petitioners proposed the boundaries of the Municipality and the creation of 3 wards. Signatures attached. |
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.217, Wednesday 26th October, 1859, pp.2351-2352.
(New South Wales Government Gazette, No.11, Friday 13th January, 1860, p.70). |
20.04.1860 |
Woollahra – Proclamation of the Constitution of the Municipality of Woollahra
Proclamation by His Excellency, the Governor, Sir William Thomas Denison, declaring that the area therein shall be constituted a Municipality, under the name and style of ‘the Municipality of Woollahra’.
Proclamation given under the Governor General’s hand and the Seal of the Colony, at Government House, Sydney, on the 17th April 1860. |
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.78, Friday, 20th April 1860, pp.763-4.
20.04.1860 |
Paddington - Proclamation of the Constitution of the Municipality of Paddington
Proclamation by His Excellency, the Governor, Sir William Thomas Denison, declaring that the area therein shall be constituted a Municipality, under the name and style of ‘the Municipality of Paddington’.
Proclamation given under the Governor General’s hand and the Seal of the Colony, at Government House, Sydney, on the 17th April 1860. |
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.78, Friday, 20th April 1860, p.764, 766. |
Friday 26.10.1860 |
By-Laws of the Municipality of Woollahra
Colonial Secretary’s Office
Sydney, 24th October, 1860.
The By-laws of the Municipality of Woollahra made under the Municipalities Act of 1858 made provision for the following Standing Orders for Regulating the Proceedings – i. General duties of the Chairman of the Council; ii. General rules for the conduct of business; iii. Motions; iv. Committees and v. Miscellaneous Regulations.
Confirmed by the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, under his hand, at Government House, Sydney, 15th October 1860. |
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.197, Friday 26th October 1860, pp.2067-2068.
24.09.1861 |
Motion of Woollahra Council – Ward division
‘That the Municipality be divided into 3 wards.’
Motion carried. |
Minutes of a Meeting of Woollahra Council 24.09.1861, p.113. |
Friday 01.02.1862 |
Division of Woollahra Municipality into Wards
Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Young, with the advice of the Executive Council, declaring the division of the Municipality of Woollahra into 3 Wards, including i. Double Bay Ward; ii. Piper Ward; and iii. Bellevue Ward.
Proclamation given under the Governor’s Hand and the Seal of the Colony, at Government House, Sydney, on 29th January, 1862. |
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.29, 1st February 1862, pp.249-250. |
23.12.1867 |
Municipalities Act, 1867
Assent by the Governor to the Municipalities Act, 1867. Act 31 Vic. No. XIII of 1867. An Act to establish Municipalities. (23rd December 1867).
Sections 8-11 [Constitution of New Municipalities] – Boroughs and Municipal Districts may be constituted.
Under this Act, the existing 35 Municipalities (including Paddington and Woollahra) were declared legally constituted boroughs. |
Public General Statutes of New South Wales.
F A Larcombe, The Stabilization of Local Government in New South Wales 1858-1906. Sydney Uni. Press, Local Govt. Assoc., 1976, p.158. |
November 1887 |
Division of Piper Ward, Municipality of Woollahra.
Resolution of Woollahra Council, November 1887, as a result of a petition from ratepayers, to make application to divide Piper Ward into 2 wards, Piper and Edgecliff. |
J Jervis, The History of Woollahra, Woollahra Municipal Council, 1960, p.152. |
29.03.1888 |
Proclamation of the division of Woollahra Municipality into 4 Wards.
A proclamation defining the boundaries of the four wards, Bellevue, Edgecliff, Double Bay, and Piper was proclaimed on the 29th March 1888.
Proclamation published in the New South Wales Government Gazette during April, 1888 according to a reference in James Jervis History of Woollahra |
Reference to this proclamation appears in the Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.223,1st April 1895, p.2171.
J Jervis, The History of Woollahra, Woollahra Municipal Council, 1960, p.152. |
16.8.1894 |
Petition for separation from the Borough of Woollahra
Chief Secretary’s Office
Sydney, 16th August, 1895.
His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, directs the publication in accordance with the “Municipalities Act of 1867”, of the substance and prayer of a Petition addressed to his Excellency and signed by 134 persons praying separation from the Borough of Woollahra and erection into a distinct Municipality under the name of the “Borough of Vaucluse.” The boundaries were proposed.
Signatures attached.
Petition organised by the Vaucluse Progress Association. Despite opposition from Woollahra Council, no counter petition organised.
New South Wales Government Gazette No. 538,16th August 1894, pp. 5127-9.
B O’KeefeRecords of the Municipality of Vaucluse.
B O’Keefe, 1982, p. 11 |
01.04.1895 |
Proclamation of the Constitution of the Borough of Vaucluse
Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Frederick Matthew, under the provisions of the Municipalities Act of 1867 and with the advice of the Executive Council, declaring that the said area of the Borough of Woollahra be separated from the Municipality, and constitute a separate and distinct Municipality under the name and style of the “Borough of Vaucluse”.
Proclamation given under the Governor’s Hand and the Seal of the Colony at Government House, Sydney, on 29th March 1895. |
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.223,1st April 1895, p.2171-2.
01.04.1895 |
Proclamation of the Constitution of the remaining portion of the Borough of Woollahra.
Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Frederick Matthew Darley, declaring that as a consequence of the separation of the Borough of Vaucluse and the need to define the boundaries of the remaining portion of the Borough of Woollahra, under the provisions of the Municipalities Act of 1867 and with the advice of the Executive Council, that the said remaining portion of the Borough of Woollahra be constituted a Municipality under the name and style of the “Borough of Woollahra”; and further declaring that the said Borough of Woollahra be divided into 4 Wards, with the names and boundaries thereinafter described, that is to say – i. Bellevue Ward; ii. Double Bay Ward; iii. Piper Ward; and iv. Edgecliff Ward.
Proclamation given under the Governor’s Hand and Seal of the Colony at Government House, Sydney, on 29th March 1895. |
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.223,1st April 1895, p.2171-2. |
23.2.1906 |
Local Government (Shires) Act, 1905
Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson declaring that the Local Government (Shires) Act, 1905 shall commence and come into operation on the 26th day of February, 1906.
Addition of the reclaimed foreshores of Rushcutters Bay to the Municipality of Woollahra
Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson …declaring that … pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government (Shires) Act, 1905 and with the advice of the Executive Council, that the areas hereinafter described shall be and the same are hereby added to the Municipalities respectively named in the case of each such description, as shown in the accompanying schedule … (Addition to the Municipality of Woollahra…) |
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.105 23rd February 1906, p.1391.
Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette, No.105, 23rd February 1906, p.1340; 1344. |
23.2.1906 |
Local Government Act, 1906
A consolidation of the Local Government (Shires) Act, 1905 and the Local Government (Extension) Act, 1906. Provided for two basic units of Local Government – shires and municipalities. Under this legislation, Paddington, Vaucluse and Woollahra all adopted the term ‘Municipality’. |
F A Larcombe, The Stabilization of Local Government in New South Wales 1858-1906. Sydney, Univ. of Syd Pr., 1976. |
12.3.1906 |
Reference to correspondence received by Woollahra Council from the Department of Public Works forwarding the Government Gazette containing a proclamation under Section 5 of the Local Government Shires Bill by which all the reclaimed lands within the vicinity of Rushcutters Bay foreshores are included within the boundaries of the Municipality. |
Minutes of a Meeting of Woollahra Council 12.03.1906, p.21. |
06.03.1936 |
Amendment of Proclamation of the Constitution of the Municipality of Woollahra
Amendment of Proclamation of 29th March 1895, by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Philip Whistler Street, with the advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of the Local Government Act of 1919, constituting the Municipality of Woollahra by omitting therefrom the description of the boundaries of the Municipality and inserting in lieu thereof the description contained in the Schedule hereto. |
New South Wales Government Gazette, No.47,6th March 1936. |
03.09.1948 |
Amalgamation of the Municipalities of Woollahra and Vaucluse
The amalgamation of the Municipalities of Woollahra and Vaucluse was effected in accordance with the Local Government (Areas) Act. George VI, No.30, 1948. An Act to unite the City of Sydney and certain areas and to constitute the united area as a city; to unite certain other areas or areas and parts of areas and to constitute the united areas as municipalities….[Assented to, 3rd September, 1948].
Pursuant to section 7 of the Local Government (Areas) Act, 1948, the Municipality of Woollahra was reconstituted from the first day of January, 1949, comprising the former Municipalities of Woollahra and Vaucluse. |
Local Government (Areas) Act. George VI, No.30, 1948.
03.09.1948 |
Absorption of the Municipality of Paddington into the City of Sydney.
The amalgamation of the Municipality of Paddington and the City of Sydney was effected in accordance with the Local Government (Areas) Act. George VI, No.30, 1948. An Act to unite the City of Sydney and certain areas and to constitute the united area as a city; to unite certain other areas or areas and parts of areas and to constitute the united areas as municipalities….[Assented to, 3rd September, 1948].
Pursuant to the Local Government (Areas) Act, 1948, the City of Sydney was reconstituted by the amalgamation with the Municipality of Paddington and other adjoining Local Government areas. |
Local Government (Areas) Act. George VI, No.30, 1948. |
17.10.1967 |
Local Government (City of Sydney Boundaries) Act, 1967[Assent received, 17.10.1967].
An act to … alter the boundaries of the City of Sydney and of certain municipalities …
Schedule III describes land to be taken from the City of Sydney and added to the Municipality of Woollahra; Schedule VIII describes the boundaries of the Municipality of Woollahra thus altered. |
1.8.1968 |
Transfer of portion of the City of Sydney (part of the former Municipality of Paddington) into the Municipality of Woollahra.
Date of ‘Appointed Day’ set upon which Schedules III and VIII of the Local Government (City of Sydney Boundaries) Act 1967 should commence to have affect [amalgamation of portion of the City of Sydney - former Municipality of Paddington - with the Municipality of Woollahra]. |
New South Wales Government Gazette, 28th June 1968. |
1.8.1968 |
Assets of the City of Sydney Council to be transferred to the Municipality of Woollahra
Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Arthur Roden Cutler, with the advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of Section 21 of the Local Government (City of Sydney Boundaries) Act, 1967, that certain determinations which have been made pursuant to section 20 of the said Act as embodied in the schedules. The proclamation transferred responsibilities for assets, rights, debts and liabilities of the Council of the City of Sydney to the Council of the Municipality of Woollahra on and from the appointed day. |
New South Wales Government Gazette, No.89, 26th July 1968, p.2964. |
15.4.1979 |
Alteration in number of Aldermen
Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Arthur Roden Cutler, with the advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of the Local Government Act, 1919, do hereby alter from eighteen (18) to fifteen (15) the number of Aldermen constituting the Woollahra Municipal Council, such alteration not to have effect until the next ordinary election of the Council. |
New South Wales Government Gazette, No.56, 15th April 1970, p.8783. |
29.11.2002 |
Transfer of portion of the Area of Woollahra to the Area of Waverley.
Proclamation by Her Excellency the Governor Professor Marie Bashir, with the advice of the Executive Council, in pursuance of sections 218B and 218C of the Local Government Act of 1993, declaring that from 13th February, 2003 an area approximately 14 square kilometres as defined in the Schedule, be transferred from the Area of Woollahra to the Area of Waverley.
Proclamation signed and sealed at Sydney on 27th November 2002. |
New South Wales Government Gazette No. 237, 29th November, 2002. |