Proclamation of the Municipality

The following is a transcription of the proclamation of the Municipality of Woollahra.
Fifth Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette of Tuesday, 17 April, 1860. Published by Authority.
No 77. Friday, 20 April. 1860
Municipality of Woollahra
By His Excellency Sir William Thomas Denison, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor General in and over all Hew Majesty’s Colonies of New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia, and Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Territory of New South Wales and its Dependencies and Vice- Admiral of the same, &c; &c; &c.
Whereas by an Act of the Parliament of New South Wales passed in the twenty second year of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled, “An Act for establishing Municipal “Institutions”, and commonly styled and cited as, “The Municipalities Act of 1858,” it was amongst other things enacted, that any City, Town, or Hamlet, then or thereafter established, or any Rural District, might, as therein provided, be constituted a Municipality; and it was by the said Act enacted, that the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, might, on the receipt of a Petition, signed by not fewer than fifty householders resident within any such City, Town, Hamlet, or Rural District, praying that the same might be declared a Municipality under the said Act, and stating the number of the inhabitants thereof, cause the substance and prayer of such Petition to be published in the Government Gazette; and unless a Counter Petition, signed by a greater number of householders, resident as aforesaid, should be received by the Colonial Secretary within three months from the date of such publication the Governor, with the advice aforesaid, might by Proclamation published in like manner, declare such City, Town, or Hamlet, or such Rural District to be a Municipality, by a name to be mentioned in such Proclamation and might also, by the same or any other Proclamation define the limits and boundaries thereof; and that upon such publication the Municipality should be constituted accordingly: And whereas a Petition from one hundred and forty four resident Householders and Freeholders of the District of Darling Point, Upper Paddington, and Watson’s Bay, in the County of Cumberland, in the Colony of New South Wales, praying that the same might be declared a Municipality under the provisions of the said Act, and stating that the number of the inhabitants thereof was upwards of one thousand, was presented to the Governor, the substance and prayer of which Petition were duly published in the Government Gazette, in accordance with the provisions of the said Act: And whereas no Counter Petition was received by the Colonial Secretary within three months from the date of the publication of the Petition for such Municipality: And whereas the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has, in exercise of the powers conferred by the said Act, determined to declare by Proclamation such Rural District of Darling Point, Upper Paddington, and Watson’s Bay, to be a Municipality, by the name hereinafter mentioned, and to define the limits and boundaries thereof in the manner hereinafter defined: Now, therefore, I, SIR WILLIAM THOMAS DENISON, the Governor-General and Governor-in-Chief aforesaid, in pursuance of the provisions of the said Act, and with the advice of the Executive Council, do by this my Proclamation declare that the District hereinafter described and named shall be a Municipality within the meaning of the said Act, and that the limits and boundaries thereof shall be as follows, that is to say:-
Embracing the northern portion of the Parish of Alexandria, in the County of Cumberland; commencing at the Bridge on the New South Head Road, at Rushcutter’s Bay, at the north-western corner of the Municipality of Paddington; and bounded thence on part of the south by the northern boundary of that Municipality, being a line, easterly, along the centre of the aforesaid road, to the centre of the Point Piper Road; thence on the west by the eastern boundary of the aforesaid Municipality, being a line, southerly, along the centre of that road, to the centre of the Old South Head Road; again on part of the south, and on the south-east, by a line easterly and north-easterly, along the centre of that road, to the north boundary line of the Municipality of Waverley; and thence on the remainder of the south by that boundary line, bearing east to the sea; on the east by the sea, northerly, to the South Head, at the entrance to Port Jackson; on the north by the waters of Port Jackson; westerly, to the stream falling into Rushcutters Bay; and again on the west by the eastern boundary of the City of Sydney, being that stream, upwards, to the point of commencement.
And I do hereby, with the advice aforesaid, declare and direct that such Municipality shall be called by the name of “The Municipality of Woollahra.”
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Colony, at Government House, Sydney, this seventeenth day of April, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and in the twenty-third year of Her Majesty’s reign.
By His Excellency’s Command,