Heritage and development
Woollahra Council manages local environmental heritage listed on the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014 (the Woollahra LEP 2014) which includes Heritage Items, Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs) and Archaeological Items. Development affecting Aboriginal heritage is also managed by Council. Find out more information about Aboriginal heritage.
Clause 5.10 Heritage Conservation of the Woollahra LEP 2014 provides specific provisions to conserve the environmental heritage of Woollahra, including heritage items, heritage conservation areas, archaeological sites, Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places of heritage significance.
Under the heritage provisions of Woollahra LEP 2014, the Council cannot grant consent to a development application involving certain development for a heritage item or certain development in a heritage conservation area or Aboriginal site without considering how the development would affect the heritage significance of the item or the area.
Furthermore, under the LEP provisions, the Council cannot grant consent to a development application involving certain development for a heritage item or certain development in a heritage conservation area or Aboriginal site, unless it has considered a heritage management document. A heritage management document provides information that is used to assist the Council with its assessment and determination of these development applications. Refer to Council’s DA Guide for further information.
Similar heritage provisions are contained in State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021.
Does my work require consent?
The Woollahra LEP 2014 contains heritage provisions which outline when development consent is required in relation to work carried out to heritage items and properties within a heritage conservation area.
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 outlines what work to a heritage item or within a heritage conservation area does not require development consent.
Heritage works without consent
Some work of minor nature or for maintenance can be undertaken using a Heritage works without consent application(PDF, 250KB).
What pre-development comments can I get?
If you are preparing a development application, see our Pre-DA consultation service and our specific help in relation to the preparation of your heritage impact statement, demolition report(PDF, 221KB) or Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment(PDF, 665KB).
Council's heritage officers can provide pre-DA comments on heritage issues that might arise from a proposal.
Development applications
Some development applications are referred to Council's Heritage Officers to provide comment in relation to potential impact on cultural significance.
Refer to Woollahra development rules to view the planning provisions applying to a property and Council's DA Guide.
Heritage Information for Your Property
Visit the mapping page to access tools to view the heritage status of your property, including any heritage conservation areas or heritage listings that may affect it.