Your guide to voting at the NSW Local Government elections 2024

Published on 23 July 2024

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The 2024 NSW Local Government elections will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024. You will be asked to vote for your local Councillors, and to respond to a Constitutional Referendum question on reducing the total number of Councillors from 15 to 9.

The Local Government election and the referendum will be conducted by the NSW Electoral Commission.

Visit our NSW Local Government election page for more information

What is the NSW Local Government election?

Local government elections are held in NSW on the second Saturday in September every four years. At local government elections, voters in each local government area elect councillors to their local council.

After the new councillors have been elected, they will vote to elect one of the councillors as mayor for a two-year term. At the end of the two-year term the councillors elect a new mayor for the following two years.

What is the Constitutional Referendum?

On 13 May, Council resolved to hold a binding Constitutional Referendum at the 14 September Local Government Election, asking residents whether they favour reducing the total number of Councillors from 15 to 9, which would also see a reduction of wards in our LGA from 5 to 3. 

If the majority of electors vote yes to this proposal at the upcoming election, the reduction would come into effect for the term of Council commencing in 2028. Voting in the referendum is compulsory for Australian citizens over the age of 18 years. 

For more information on the referendum resolution by Council, visit: Your Say Woollahra.

Check your enrolment details

Voting is compulsory for eligible Australian citizens. All residents are encouraged to check and if necessary, update, their enrolment details prior to the election date by visiting the NSW Electoral Commission’s website or calling 1300 135 736.

How to cast your vote

There are a number of different ways that you can cast your vote.

1) On election day (Saturday 14 September), in person

There will be many polling stations set up at local schools, churches, community halls and public buildings within the Woollahra Council area. Voting opens at 8am on election day and closes at 6pm.

The NSW Electoral Commission’s website will publish the process of voting at a polling place on election day so you know what to expect. 

2) Postal votes

Voters are eligible for early voting, either in-person or by post, if on election day you:

  • are outside the electorate where you are enrolled to vote
  • are more than 8km from a polling place
  • are travelling
  • are unable to leave your workplace to vote
  • are seriously ill, infirm, or due to give birth shortly (or caring for someone who is)
  • are a patient in hospital and can't vote at the hospital
  • have religious beliefs that prevent you from attending a polling place
  • are in prison serving a sentence of less than three years or otherwise detained
  • are a silent elector
  • have a reasonable fear for your safety.

If voters wish to cast a postal vote, voters are able to request a postal ballot from the NSW Electoral Commission’s website from Tuesday, 6 August 2024. Postal vote applications close at 5pm on Monday 9 September 2024.

The distribution of postal packs starts on Monday, 19 August 2024.

3) Early voting, in person

If you are unable to attend a voting centre on election day, you can cast your vote at an early voting station. The pre-poll voting period runs from Saturday, 7 September 2024 until Friday, 13 September 2024.
The NSW Electoral Commission’s website will publish details of the locations and operating times of the early voting centres.

Represent your community as a Councillor at Woollahra Council

If you have a strong sense of community and are keen to make a difference in your local area, then you should consider becoming a councillor.

Find out all you need to know about becoming a councillor.

For more information on becoming a councillor, please read NSW Government's Stand for your Community Candidate Guide.(PDF, 3MB)

Councillor Induction Program

Council will deliver an Induction program for Councillors who are elected to Woollahra Council at the 14 September 2024 local government election.  The purpose of the Induction program is to equip councillors with the information they need to perform their role effectively over the first few months with a particular focus on legislative requirements and building positive, collaborative relationships between councillors and staff.

The final program is under development and the tentative dates for sessions to be held are:

Tuesday 8 October 2024

All day commencing 9am.
Followed by Councillor Oaths and Affirmations
commencing at approximately 4.30pm.

Wednesday 9 October 2024 3pm to 5.30pm
Friday 11 October 2024 9am to 4.30pm
Wednesday 16 October 2024 5.30pm to 7.30pm
Friday 18 October 2024 9am to 1.30pm
Monday 21 October 2024 5.30pm to 7.30pm
Monday 28 October 2024 4.30pm to 5.30pm
Wednesday 30 October 2024 5.30pm to 7.30pm
Wednesday 27 November 2024    
5.30pm to 8pm

Please note: Dates and times will be updated as the induction program is finalised. Please regularly refer back to this page for the most up to date information.

Meet Your Ward Councillors

Throughout the year we hold sessions for residents to meet their Ward Councillors and discuss key issues or concerns.

Which ward do I live in?

There are five Wards in the Woollahra local government area:

  • Bellevue Hill
  • Cooper
  • Double Bay
  • Paddington
  • Vaucluse

To find out which Ward you live in, use our interactive map.

Upcoming ward meetings

Paddington Ward

When: 6:00pm-7:30pm, Tuesday 13 August
Where: Woollahra Council Chambers
Light refreshments will be provided.  RSVP here.

To RSVP or submit questions for any of the ward meetings, please visit our Your Say page.

Visit our NSW Local Government election page for more information

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