Mental health and wellbeing
Mental health
Mental health issues affect people of all ages. Approximately one in five people in Australia aged between 16 - 85 years of age will experience a mental illness in any year. Mental illness can diminish quality of life, disrupt productivity and result in considerable distress for the person and their family.
Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians aged 25 - 44 years and the second leading cause of death for young people aged 15 - 24 years. Every day, at least six people will die by suicide in Australia with a further 30 people attempting to take their own life.
For immediate crisis support, please call:
During the current COVID-19 pandemic, there are a number of online and telephone services available to support positive mental health.
Mental Health First Aid Australia run workshops regularly to educate the community on how to assist people experiencing a mental health crisis. In addition to the general Mental Health First Aid course, there are a number of courses that are specific to helping young people, older people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
Local services
Other useful support services and resources:
Click on the image below to download a printable pdf of useful mental health support services.

Council's role
Council supports and promotes a range of mental health activities and initiatives in the area. It provides assistance to service providers and support groups by facilitating access to community facilities and through the Grants program.
Woollahra Council provides secretarial support to the Eastern Sydney Suicide Prevention Network which is a community led group raising awareness around mental health and suicide. Through this Network, Council funds the Suicide Impacting Me Support Group for people who have been touched by suicide.
Council hosts monthly ‘Skill Up’ workshops for the community which focus on mental health and wellbeing.
Gap Park Masterplan(PDF, 8MB) - a suicide prevention initiative in partnership with the Federal Government and Woollahra Council, with support from the NSW Police, The Black Dog Institute and Lifeline.
For more information, please contact:
Telephone: 9391 7000