If you are interested in applying for a grant or outgoing sponsorship, please fill out the Grants Expression of Interest form and we will add you to our grants promotions list.
Please contact us if you require guidance with your application grants@woollahra.nsw.gov.au
When is the next round of Grant funding?
Our next grant round is expected to open in April 2025.
If you are interested in applying for a grant in our 2025/2026 round, please fill out the Grants Expression of Interest form and we will add you to our grants promotions list.
The key dates for 2025/2026 are:
- Early April 2025 - grant applications open
- Early May 2025 - grant applications close
- Late June 2025 - grants announced
- 1 July 2025 - grant projects can commence
FREE Information Session and Workshops
Woollahra Council Grants & Sponsorship Information Webinar:
Learn about Council's grants & sponsorships, how to address the selection criteria and maximise your chance of a successful application.
Tuesday 11 March: 12pm - 1pm
Book here!
Building Community Projects in Woollahra - in person Workshops:
Learn effective ways to work with communities, create partnerships, instigate collaboration, build your project capacity & future plan
Part 1: Thursday 20 March: 11am - 12.30pm
In Part 1 Workshop, topics will focus on: Maintaining the momentum, succession planning, using your community strengths, developing & sustaining partnerships & making local connections.
Book Part 1 Workshop here!
Part 2: Thursday 20 March: 1pm - 2,30pm
In Part 2 Workshop, topics will focus on: Identifying collaborative opportunities, funding opportunities, volunteer management & effective community leadership.
Book Part 2 workshop here!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any funding available currently?
Next available funding will be for projects running between July 2025 and June 2026. We expect applications to open in April 2025. Applicants will be notified of the outcome in June 2025.
Other operational costs are not fundable. What are these costs?
Operational costs are expenses related to the operation of a business such as insurance, rent, vehicle leasing and payroll.
Capital investment is not fundable. What are these costs?
Capital investment relates to costs necessary to establish and operate the project. These costs may include the design and construction of buildings, structures, infrastructure and major equipment.
Is minor capital infrastructure or projects fundable in the Environmental Grants stream?
Yes. Minor capital items are fundable. These may be items that reduce carbon emissions, reduce waste to landfill, reduce potable water use or improve biodiversity. Examples of minor capital items that are fundable includes solar panels.
Individuals can apply for a Large Grant (Community & Culture and Placemaking streams) if under the auspices of a not for profit organization. Can Sole Traders do the same?
No. Sole traders are considered to be businesses which are not eligible for large grants in the Community & Culture and Placemaking streams.
How do a book a Welcome to Country for my event in the Woollahra area?
The Gujaga Foundation is the peak organisation leading language, cultural and research activities within the La Perouse Aboriginal community. Contact the Foundation to book a Welcome to Country, Cultural Lessons or Language Lessons. A Welcome to Country booking costs approximately $500, we recommend you contact the Foundation for a quote.
If you would like to receive updates about future Grants, or if you have a question about the grants programs please email grants@woollahra.nsw.gov.au.

Annual Grants - summary of funded grant streams
Community and Cultural Grants
Community and Cultural Grants support local activities which foster a connected, liveable, vibrant and creative community. Projects support local families, children and young people, seniors, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and reconciliation, social isolation and loneliness, mental health, cultural diversity, people with disability, community safety, domestic violence, LGBTQIA+ or building community partnerships and networks.
Small Grants of up to $3,000 are available to non-profit community based organisations, community groups or individuals; and Large Grants of between $3,001 and $7,500, available to non-profit community based organisations or community groups.
Individuals may only apply for a Large Grant if under the auspices of a not for profit organisation.
Environmental Grants
Environmental Grants support local environmental improvement projects. Our Environmental Grants are open to non-profit community organisations, local schools and non-profit early learning centres for projects that protect or enhance our local environment.
Small Grants of up to $3,000; and Large Grants of between $3,001 and $7,500.
Placemaking Grants
Placemaking Grants support projects, activities and events that activate and enhance public spaces, publicly accessible spaces, commercial centres and suburbs within the Woollahra LGA.
Small Grants of up to $3,000 are available to businesses, sole traders, community and business sector support organisations including community groups, business chambers and individuals and Large Grants of between $3,001 and $7,500 are available to businesses, community and business sector support organisations including community groups, business chambers and resident associations. Individuals may only apply for a Large Grant if under the auspices of a not for profit organisation.
Category 1 - Events Delivery of new and / or recurring community events within public spaces or publically accessible spaces within the Woollahra Local Government Area.
Category 2 - Place Activation to support and encourage activation of public spaces, business areas and neighbourhoods to enliven and improve access, liveability and activity.
Business Sector Support Grants
Business Sector Support Grants support projects and programs led by organisations (including business chambers) that have an ABN and support local businesses and economic development in the Woollahra LGA. The amount of funding provided will depend on the individual merits of the funding request. Grants of up to $10,000 are available per Business Sector Support organisation.
Outgoing Sponsorship Program
This program supports new and long-standing initiatives and proven events and programs. Funding supports the performing arts, cultural events and other initiatives that collectively harness the social capital of Woollahra.
Annual funding of $50,000 is available, for up to $20,000 per submission.
Policy and Guidelines
Read the Grants Policy(PDF, 691KB) and Grants Guidelines(PDF, 292KB) for information about the program.
Grants for the 2024/25 round have been awarded. The program is now closed.
Congratulations to all recipients. Funded projects are listed below:
Grants Presentation Event
Council hosted the following Grants Information Sessions on how to get your organisation grants ready!
March 2024 - See a copy of the presentation slides here(PDF, 3MB).
Watch a recording on the webinar below:
June 2023 - Watch a recording of the 2023 webinar.
More Information
If you would like to receive updates about future Grants, or if you have a question about the grants programs please email grants@woollahra.nsw.gov.au or complete our Grants Expression of Interest form.
Budget Example
To assist you, take a look at this example Grants Budget here(PDF, 194KB).
Help with writing your grant application
Do you think your project or activity would enrich our community but not sure the best way to go about it? The following resources may help:
Take a look at the Grant Writing System Project plan Summary and Answer map(PDF, 99KB) . This useful document may help you define your project and pull together information needed for your application.
iClick2Learn have some helpful grant writing information on their website: https://winthegrant.com/introduction-to-grant-writing/
They also provide free grant writing Q&A (drop-in zoom sessions) with an expert . You can find more information here: https://nfpguide.com.au/events/
The grants hub has application tips, such as how to turn ideas into 'projects', applying for government grants, budget development, relationship building, grant terminology & more.
More grant writing tips can be found at the Funding Centre.
Find some useful resources and guidelines for planning and promoting your event in Woollahra.
Government grant assistance
If you are looking for government grant assistance for your project or event within the Wentworth area, check out the funding available.
All current Federal grants are listed via Grant Connect. The Federal Government also offers hubs for Business, Arts and Community grants
You could also take a look at available NSW State government grants.
If you would like to receive updates about future Woollahra Council Grants, or if you have a question about the grants programs please email grants@woollahra.nsw.gov.au