Lieutenant Leslie Richmond

Within our superficial notion of the national war effort, there is one category of serviceman who is often overlooked – those Australian men who, for whatever reason, joined the forces of an overseas ally to fight for the common cause. Long-standing Woollahra resident and former Mayor Christopher Dawson can cite more than one family member whose service – and sacrifice – fits this profile. His grandfather, Victorian-born George Richmond, served with the Black Watch; first, in the Boer War, and again in World War 1.

More poignantly, his Australian-born great-uncle Leslie Richmond fell at the Battle of Mons while serving with the 1st Gordon Highlanders. The timing of Leslie's death, on 23 August 1914, has been the subject of recent investigations, which suggest history might claim him as the first Australian-born casualty of World War 1.

Christopher Dawson refers us to Leslie Richmond's story, as recounted by ABC journalist Jennifer King.

Story shared by Christopher Dawson

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