Woollahra Local Traffic Committee (LTC)

Meeting details

The Woollahra Local Traffic Committee (LTC) is a technical advisory committee which operates under delegation from the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS). It is chaired by Council and Council is a voting member, the others being the RMS, the Police, and the Local Member(s).

The LTC considers traffic management and parking issues on local roads within the Woollahra Municipality and makes recommendations to Council on appropriate traffic measures to be implemented.

The LTC from time to time also meets as the Local Development Committee to consider traffic impacts of proposed developments on main roads.

Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 10am in the Thornton Room, 536 New South Head Road, Double Bay. Check the upcoming meetings calendar for current and future dates.

Members of the community can address the committee (see Having your say at meetings for guidelines).

Agendas and Minutes

The agenda contains matters to be considered by the LTC and the Local Development Committee. The agenda and individual reports for each meeting are available from 3pm on the Thursday before the meeting from the following locations:

The agenda will also be available at the meeting. The minutes of the LTC are reported to the next scheduled Finance, Community & Services Committee (FC&S) meeting and are available from 3pm on the Thursday afternoon before the meeting.

Committee members

Voting members include a representative from:

  • RMS
  • NSW Police
  • Council
  • State members for Vaucluse and Sydney.

State Transit Authority representatives also attend the meetings in an advisory role.


All traffic and transport matters for possible discussion by this Committee should be directed in writing to Council's Traffic and Transport Section. Please email records@woollahra.nsw.gov.au.